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< Alle Themen

Frequently asked questions

What is the difference between the PMF system and the usual timber frame or solid wood construction methods?

  • In the PMF system, the foamed compartment performs the function of bracing and fixes the wooden posts. Therefore, the consumption of the valuable raw material wood is lower.
  • The lower consumption of wood means, among other things, lower weight. This has a positive effect on the transport and construction of a building with PMF system.
  • Our foamed compartment is tight against moisture and wind. Therefore, we do not need a vapor retarder to the outside or a vapor barrier to the inside. If a vapor barrier is breached during assembly or installation work, for example, moisture entering the compartment can cause considerable damage.
  • If wood structures are created open to diffusion, the regular introduction of moisture over the years can cause damage to the structure, which is avoided in the PMF system.
  • The good thermal insulation performance is constantly maintained in the PMF system because the filling in the compartment cannot change.
    This avoids thermal bridges that can occur, for example, with blow-in insulation systems and various wool insulation systems.
  • The high thermal insulation performance of the PMF system allows for a lower exterior wall thickness for buildings that comply with Energy Efficiency 40. This allows more living and usable space to be created on the same footprint. In addition, this results in further weight advantages for transport and assembly.
  • Constructively, the PMF system does not require an additional installation level inside for the technical building equipment.

Which structures can be produced with the PMF system?

The PMF system can be easily scaled up to building class 3. From building class 4, the PMF system can be used well in hybrid construction. This concerns both the building size and the thermal insulation performance of the building envelope.

Our building envelopes can be equipped inside and designed outside in any way desired, from simple-purpose to luxurious.

All roofs made with PMF system are suitable for installation of solar thermal and photovoltaic systems.

If the floor of the building is created in the PMF system and fastened with ground anchors or screw anchors, a PMF building can be removed without leaving any residue.

  • Tiny house
  • Vacation home
  • Single family house
  • Two-family and multi-family houses
  • Row houses and residential quarters
  • Day care centers and school buildings
  • Dormitories for refugees and homeless people
  • Sportsmen’s Homes
  • Building extensions

How stable is a building with PMF system?

  • All buildings with PMF system are designed for the highest German wind class 4.
  • Test at RWTH Aachen show high earthquake resistance.
  • Experience has shown that modules in the PMF system only absorb minimal moisture when they are completely submerged in water. This has a positive effect in the event of a flood, as a PMF building is easy to restore with renewal of wall planking and flooring.

How long can a building with PMF system be used?

  • The service life is designed for several generations.
  • If a compartment is damaged by mechanical action, this can be easily repaired.
  • Complete modules and components can be replaced with little effort. This simplifies redesign when the original use changes.

Can you build a house yourself with the PMF system?

  • Yes – it’s almost as easy as assembling a large cabinet from a well-known Swedish furniture store 😉.

How does the PMF system behave in case of fire?

  • As is usual with wooden studs, we plank both sides with materials that are flame-retardant or non-combustible. Thus, we meet the requirements of the respective building class up to building class 3.
  • The fire behavior of the foamed compartment avoids treacherous smoldering fires that can occur with wool products.
  • A transfer of hazardous fumes is significantly reduced compared to other compartment fillings.
  • If the compartment itself burns, no dangerous dripping parts are formed.

How well can a building with PMF system be recycled?

  • Wood and compartment can be easily separated mechanically.
  • The compartment can be reconverted to its original materials by pyrolysis.
  • Mechanical shredding can also give the gell a “second life” as an insulating material in buildings.
  • The wood products we use can be reused in construction processes and building products.
  • Both wood and geaf have a high calorific value and can therefore also be thermally utilized.
  • We give our customers a take-back statement on our module elements.